Board Member

Susan L Combs

Pancakes for Roger, Inc. emerged from a humble request by Susan’s father, the late Major General Roger E Combs, during his Hospice care. His simple wish for pancakes sparked a movement, which became a book and a keynote address. Now, it stands as a non-profit organization. While the pancakes themselves couldn't be served due to care constraints, the essence of his request transcended the breakfast table. It's a touching reminder to cherish life's small joys and express gratitude for them.

In 2005, Susan L Combs embarked on her entrepreneurial path, founding Combs & Company at the age of 26. Combs & Company has evolved into a trusted ally for businesses that diverge from the conventional profiles favored by insurance carriers, catering particularly to sectors like entertainment, food, and international companies establishing operations in the U.S.

Susan has pursued multiple certifications, including the prestigious Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) certification. Her deep expertise in health insurance intricacies has positioned her as a sought-after expert witness, advisor, and speaker on the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Raised in a military household with her father serving in three branches of the armed services, Susan was instilled with a strong service ethos from an early age. Her dedication to service transcends her professional life, as evidenced by her active involvement in various philanthropic endeavors, such as leadership in Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS), where she became the youngest-ever National President. Susan's involvement extends to additional impactful initiatives, such as advising the University of Missouri Law School Veterans Clinic and serving on the Board of Trustees for the University of Missouri Jefferson Club.

Susan's best-selling book, “Pancakes for Roger: A Mentorship Guide for Slaying Dragons,” parlays many of the life lessons and experiences that led to the founding of Pancakes for Roger, Inc., which have led to many speaking engagements that have provided rich insights for diverse audiences.

When Susan's not running her business or trying to help others through their own challenges, you can find her flipping tires at her beloved CrossFit gym, supporting the Missouri Tigers, KC Chiefs, and Royals, or slaying the dragons that have come her way.