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Combs & Company will make a donation to the University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic for every pancake-loving picture you post on social media and use the hashtag #PancakesForRoger.

“From the very first sentence, this book leads you through a unique experience that will touch your heart and soul. In a society that is often perceived as ridiculously divisive, #PancakesForRoger serves as an important reminder of what it means to be a generous and compassionate human being. Susan L Combs has been a wonderful mentor to me, but more importantly, she's been a wonderful friend. Although I never got to meet her dad, I always feel a genuine connection to him in every interaction with her. I am grateful to know that you have this book in your hands.”

— Mike Veny, Author of Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero


“As a business owner and Army veteran, “Pancakes for Roger” resonated with me on many levels. Frankly, it had me in tears at some points. It is a wonderful compilation of stories and words of wisdom for everyone to enjoy. I am so grateful to Susan for sharing her dad with us and the life lessons that he taught her. We can all learn from Roger and apply it to our own lives to build a beautiful legacy just as he did.”

— Kathleen E. Owings, Owner of Westbilt Financial Group and #1 Bestselling Author


“BRAVO!!! YES!!! This book offers a lot of wisdom for anyone looking to engage in life's challenges and grow along the way. This book is not only a gift to anyone who has experienced great loss or uncertainty, but to ALL readers. Having experienced great loss and tragedy myself, I've learned a lot and each experience has added to my own personal growth and tenacity. That being said, I WISH I HAD Pancakes for Roger as a source of comfort and guide while navigating the uncertainty of life and my own experiences. For those who have not experienced any real loss or suffering of any kind, you will also benefit tremendously from this book as there are lessons in here we should all apply to our own lives if we want to be the best version of ourselves!”

— Nicole J. Soto, Professional Life Changer, Nutritionist and CrossFit Games Athlete


“As a personal & professional development junkie, I could not wait to get my hands on "Pancakes for Roger: A Mentorship Guide for Slaying Dragons.” I have always sought out input and advice, tips and tidbits, and knowing Susan L Combs, I know she has them…for just about everything! A general's daughter, who blazed her own path to success, Susan not only walks the walk but guides readers to be able to do the same. The book is overflowing with incredible wisdom and guidance, coupled perfectly with stories from Susan’s family and friends - most notably her amazing dad - that will have you wishing you learned these life hacks WAY earlier. Thank you, Susan, for sharing yourself, your gifts, and pancakes with us all!”

— Kristin Andree, Business & Lifestyle Strategist, Author of “You’re Not for Everyone: But, You Can Be FOR Everyone, Host of the RENEW Podcast


“If you’ve met Susan L Combs, you know she is a force of nature. You want to be on her team, and make sure she is on yours. Unfortunately, I never got to meet her father, Roger Combs, but through Pancakes for Roger, I feel like I visited at length with this highly decorated veteran and respected judge, who was also wickedly funny. Fortunately for all of us, Roger Combs loved his daughter deeply and he infused their relationship with fun and common sense phrases, like “Just Drive the Car.” In this tribute to her father, Susan lovingly and generously dishes his advice back to us, in a delectable way – stories, tidbits, and motivational quotes galore. As the Director of the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic, I have great fondness for our nation’s veterans and their families because I understand their sacrifices. This book proves how truly special these families are in our world. Thank you Susan!”

— Angela Drake, Director, University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic